Limitations with version 2.83 and up to 2.90.3 alpha
Today (12th of May 2020) I filed a bug or limitation when working with 8-Bit textures in Blender that need a colorspace transform. So I added some notes of other limitations I ran into in the last weeks and months while exploring Blender & ACES:
- All color images should be EXR files in the colorspace ACEScg – in this way they don’t need any colorspace transform inside Blender.
- Colorspace transforms in Textures (Input – Generic – sRGB Texture) will result in imprecise or sometimes wrong results when the image texture is a 8-Bit file! (the transforms should happen in floating point precision)
- Non-Color image texture files e.g. bump or normal maps need to have the color space set to “raw” (no gamut or gamma mapping) – then there is not problem when using JPG/PNG files
- Blender misses an option to select the OCIO file in the preferences – at the moment you must set the OCIO environment variable before starting Blender.
- The list of colorspaces are not sorted in categories like it is in Nuke for example. The list is so large and long you need a giant screen to see them all and be able to select one with is at the end of the list – as a workaround you can temporally scale down the Resolution Scale smaller than 1.0 in the Interface/Display Preferences.
- Be aware that you are working in a far bigger gamut of ACEScg – I wrote an article called Understanding Gamut with ACES and Blender about this topic.
- The Blackbody shader which doesn’t really works in ACEScg.

Go to the page for some more detailed information.