Category: General

  • OpenDRT & OCIO

    A “new” display rendering transform is available Actually OpenDRT is not that new. What is new is that it is available now as an OCIO config thanks to Chris Brejon. Before it was only available to me as a nuke node that was developed by Jed Smith. The OCIO config can be downloaded here:…

  • Website 2024 Theme&Look update

    With a bit of delay I finally updated the website to the latest WordPress theme “Twenty Twenty-Four”. I hope all the pages are working as expected. I will check them bit by bit and get also finally ready for some new content.

  • Last project of 2023:

    The last project I worked on in 2023 was for the new NIO ET9 launch film. A shortened version can be seen on the NIO YouTube channel. The full 90s version can be found on the NIO ET9 official website via the watch film button.

  • HDR – holiday cleanup ’23

    With macOS Sonoma (14.1) and iOS/iPadOS (17.1) it was time again to review the subdomain and the HDR-Gallery page. There is no new content, but after I checked the pages on all my Apple devices again with the latest OS updates I found that HDR is better supported than ever. I also removed a…

  • OpenColorIO-Config-ACES 2.0.0 available (09/2023)

    There is a new OCIOv2 config available. Check the link for the updates. The name of the release is a bit confusing again, because the config contains: For me as a MAC user with Display P3 screens, the following feature could be important: “DisplayP3 Related Colorspaces and Display Rendering Transforms”. But I need to test the…

  • Blender 4.0 – now with AgX

    Blender 4.0 will be shipping with a new OCIOv2 config.In addition to Blender FILMIC there will be a newer view transform called AgX.As Blender 4.0 is still in an alpha stage, the defaults in the color management area are a bit strange at the moment (3rd of September 2023). Here is a little guide how…

  • Summer projects: 2023

    My first project this summer: Mc Donald’s Big Mac with Katalyst Hamburg. A new campaign for Sixt with Markenfilm / Infected. A new campaign for Tamaris at FJUL, Hamburg.

  • Projects: 2023 (till may)

    Here is a collection of the most recent projects I worked on. Part 1 & 2

  • Holiday links (06/2023)

    During a two weeks summer break in Seville I took the time to study a bit of 3D rendering background. I found a YouTube playlist from the Technische Universität Wien about the topic: “TU Wien Rendering / Ray Tracing Course“. The course is super interesting, great that this kind of knowledge is available for free.…

  • Following pixels from Resolve to YouTube

    In this blog post I wanted to see how I need to set Resolve on my iMac so that the image that I see in the Resolve viewer looks the same when I export a Pro Res file of the timeline and view it in Quicktime. And I explored the next steps that are necessary…